Press kit
Syskit is a portmanteau name coined from the words system and toolkit. Just like connecting words in a name, our mission is to connect people with the best management and governance solutions.
With constant changes and increasing complexities in IT environments, organizations must ensure efficiency and business continuity. We support every IT pro, every business leader, and every end-user to be the best at what they do by being the best at what we do.
Our visual identity embodies our vision. The S symbol in the logo is expressed through a combination of two circles with triangular corners with the intent to mirror the values and benefits our technology brings to users. Flexibility, simplicity, and ease of use.
Toni Frankola, Co-Founder and CEO, SyskitUsage guidelines
The brand name should be expressed as one word with the capitalized S (Syskit).
When using the logo, the symbol is always used along with the name. The Syskit word mark and logos are the exclusive property of Syskit and should be used according to these guidelines. Any modifications to the symbol, logo, or name are prohibited.
The secondary positioning of the symbol and the logotype should be used only when the space or the relevant layout prevent safe execution of the primary symbol and the logotype relation.