Report examples
See first-hand how Syskit Point reports save you time.
Our most popular reports
Take control over permissions, user access, and externally shared content across your Office 365 environment.
See who is doing what in your tenant and which files and pages users access, modify, or share the most.
Export your reports in Excel or PDF to filter and analyze generated data.
Download examples in Excel:
Permissions matrix User access Externally shared content User activity File and page activitiesOffice 365 permissions reports
Take control over permissions and user access across your Office 365 environment. Export your reports in Excel or PDF to filter and analyze generated data.
Download examples in PDF:
Unique permissions Group membership Users with privileged access SharePoint groupsDownload examples in Excel:
Unique permissions Group membership Users with privileged access SharePoint groupsOffice 365 external sharing reports
Stay in control over external sharing across your Office 365 environment. Export your reports in Excel or PDF to filter and analyze generated data.
Office 365 audit reports
Audit admin and user activity across your Office 365 environment. Export your reports in Excel to filter and analyze generated data.
Office 365 licenses reports
Check your licenses usage throughout the company departments and locations. Export your reports in Excel or PDF to filter and analyze generated data.
Download examples in PDF:
Licenses usage by service report Licenses overview report License distribution report Inactive licenses reportDownload examples in Excel:
Licenses usage by service report Licenses overview report License distribution report Inactive licenses reportOffice 365 cleanup reports
Clean up groups without users and users deleted from Azure Active Directory. Export your reports in Excel or PDF to filter and analyze generated data.