
Learn SharePoint architecture best practices

Connect with Microsoft MVP Michael Noel as he gives you the best practices for your SharePoint architecture.

What Is It About & Who Is It For?

This is a great opportunity for you to learn SharePoint infrastructure best practices from one of the best-selling authors covering SharePoint architecture!

What you will learn

Differences in SharePoint infrastructure

Discover the difference between Web, Service Apps, and Data layers in SharePoint Infrastructure

Best practices

Find out SharePoint farm architecture best practices.

Performance metrics

Find out which SharePoint performance monitoring metrics to keep an eye on.

Automization tools

How to use automatization tools like AutoSPInstaller Online.


Michael Noel
Michael Noel

Microsoft MVP

Michael Noel is an internationally recognised technology expert and best selling author who has spoken on a broad range of topics at over 200 events in over 70 countries around the world.